Monday, February 21, 2011

Hope for Equality (some context for my thinking)

Started writing this during the extension of the bush tax cut debate. Ended writing this around the time the tax cuts passed.

In the course of human events a people rise to the challenge of inequality. Our world riddled with the man made curse of inequality; in America there is a great divide within nations and the continent. “…extends almost all of the Bush tax cuts, including income tax cuts for the nation’s wealthiest families, for two years and sets the estate tax at 35 percent for individual inheritances of more than $5 million.” (The hill, Alexander Bolton) A tax cut for all of the republics people in times of budget alleviations is creating wealth at taxpayers’ expense disproportionately to the wealthiest 2%, giving haven to billionaires and millionaires to continue their destructive ways, is unacceptable. People who make less than 20 thousand dollars a year, well below the mean income of taxpayers’ will get a smack in the face in the form of a tax hike. However in developing nations the suffering of the people in the face of opulence is at such great heights, wars erupt from the danger of inequality.

Fair is the glorious word to which we emancipate ourselves from the tyranny of undeserved riches from trusts, which hoard power and leave tiny scraps of wealth, to aristocrats who’s only claim to luxury is that their ancestors worked. Fair is the epitome of great ideals, fair leads hope through tragedies such as recessions. However my convictions stand, economic anarchy and complete economic control is both amoral and impractical. People all over the world have tried these options and failed, while most end of in totalitarianism. Fair is equivalent to equality, but equality is not the epitome of same. People ought to be treated with the knowledge he/she can do whatever his dreams desires, but with the ideals come a responsible society and we shall stand by that knowledge with actions.

In our world industrialized nations use their wealth to provide services to its people through taxation. The people with the means to support themselves a few times over helps pay for hardworking people who finance a standard of living of modesty instead of abject poverty, because of social programs. Most industrialized nations provide, life saving, health care to all its citizens in one way or another. Canada provides universal health care through a single payer system, this helps people live and makes everyone equal for health.

In the United States of America we have social programs to help the elderly and the impoverished, to a certain degree. America the wealthiest society is in class warfare fought only by the wealthiest Americans to gain access to the wealth taken from the impoverished of the world. The tax code is a known vice for favoring aristocratic Americans, in the face of common people. Our liberties may be intact, but what of our right to be who we want to be, is that a just cause worth taking. The American constitution states " We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Are the causes of a more perfect union and the general of the people not a worthy cause? Should we as a world not aspire to our greatest ideals? Should we as humans continue our destructive ways? Should we as a people condone greed in the face of poverty and despair? Perhaps we should clearly draw a line in the sand without ambiguity that we as a world are not helping the few rule the many. Perhaps we should even encourage the many to rule the many. Perhaps we should save all who come from the adversity of inequality.

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