Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Today as the title suggest is Memorial Day a day to remember those who died in service for our nation. This holiday is not for sleeping in or for playing video games. This is our heritage as a nation for those who fight to protect our freedoms. Many of my generation have thankfully not experienced a world war two style war. Therefore our nationalistic hype was not awakened. (Except 9-11) We at the very least must understand our history in hopes in we can achieve world peace from learning from the mistakes of previous generations. With the efforts of all humans we can make sure that at sometime in the future there will be no more dead soldiers.

The history of Memorial Day is marked with tragedy in which we find the best in us. After the civil war, or war of northern aggression in the south, people in small towns like Waterloo New York got together to honor the fallen in 1866. This happened to be the place in 1966 that the federal government declared Waterloo the birthplace of Memorial Day. Five years later in 1971 congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday.

So I hope to all who slept in today without thinking of the sacrifices of others at least remember Veterans day.

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