Friday, February 24, 2012

Rick Santorum Speech Notes.

This is the notes I took on Santorums speech in the suburbs of Detroit today. I used a deragotory name for Mr. Santorum as a time saver and I do not wish to change it. So if you don't like the alternate meaning just read the substance (I used Frothy).
All of my comments are in parenthies signed Blogger.
Gas prices are going up due to involvment of the middle east, and it's instability. It's going to get worse in a Al. They'll shut down production (Al) and Mexico will import oil. Peak oil.

*This is what it sounded like to me and it saved time.

Oppose Obama. (me think he think we stupid.)* Higher gas prices for global warming (Obama says). Standard of living goes down when energy

goes down.

Drill Baby Drill Rock oil in ND (ligh sweet crude) highest quality (true). Pipeline needs to be built so it gets to market. We need the KP for *midwest jobs* (infered)

Lean forward for energy (president needs). Reduce regulation. Obama more regualtion than any other P in 1year. Frothy will repeal/repeal and replace. States regulate as do the Am. People. Americans don't like to be micromanaged. Uncertianty harms business and regulations cause this harm. Stimulate small business will mean smaller regulations. We need manufacturing, and we can compete. The american worker/ Stem is better. we need a level playing field--we need lower taxes, regulations smaller, and more capital. We don't need to cut labor costs (Frothy). Stop being uncompetitive (gov. polices).

Manufacturing is a wealth generator. Everyone can participate (populism). Ex. Apple (HT) should manufacture their products here (MF). Manufacturing should not be subjected to any taxes.

Talked about the creation of small towns. Manufacturing processing. Small Town America goes down because of Manufacturing (MF) death. Lamenting the death of the small town. Natnl. Security needs small towns (Lost track when he digressed) (Warrant--probably missed it). Highest corprate tax rate must be reduced 1/2 to 17% flat tax. Rate: Small=Large.

Repeal Affordable Care Act (Obama Care, applause). The lowest should and must rise. The Fed' must scale down. Government gives you the right--god given rights. (endowed by their creator). OB Care tramples on rights in HC.

OB Care is gov. run. Gov. can't tell you what to spend (ex.) this is the gov. with HIC. Mass. Gov run (lines) as bad. First Amend. gov. gives then how to exercise it. 1Amend. is being corrouded.

More repealing: one thing. Housing for ex., foreclosure is high, (his house value is much lower) TARP must go. It's too regulatory. We must restructure housing. Sell house, deduct loss. No winners no losers, just markets. Freddie and Fanny are not intrinsically bad, but politics is. BF CD pushed them into it. Faze them out.

Get rid of Dodd Frank. Talked about TARP. Steal went down in Pittsburg, but we bounced back. Shopping malls are HT. Pittsburg is diversified because the market worked. Bailout everyone or no one., Swipe at Romney’s consistency.

Dodd Frank is successor to TARP “too big to fail” (Scratching my head--Blogger). We want bottom up rather than top down gov. We want a balanced budget. I was for it in 1995. Loony about ballenced budget amendment. Frothy a rebel? Principled, limited gov.. I will argue for a balanced budget amendment. Gov. needs to be limited to 17/18% because freedom. We still need military. Wash. Estab. with buying votes.

I'm a catholic and we must care for the least among us (?) gov shouldn't (WTF--Blogger). I pay taxes so I shouldn't give, so we need to end the programs. (Sure localization, sure--Blogger) Welfare reform, I did it; it's an ex. . Work and time. Poverty is not a disability. They can do it--not American to say not. Thou must help themselves. The american family=economy. We've seen the breakdown of the Am Fam'. It's harder for the Am. Fam. to do jobs for two. Teen pregnacy--ralied against singal moms. 40% out of wedlock. Minorities and urban 80% (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF--Blogger). We need to have gov. programs to not create dependency. We don't need gov. to make families strong. High rates of divorce in Tn. Non-profit to promote marriage in schools. Get fathers back. Build healthier families. Limited gov. starts with the family. You are the solution. Solve with the family. (This is killing me--Blogger) I care about the very poor, I care about everyone. We are the 100%. (Checks Time--Blogger) Fluff, Fluff, and more Fluff. (IT'S OVER!!!--Blogger)

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