Sunday, November 18, 2012

Shit Is Happening in the World

While Americans are mourning the loss of a company that sells sweet pastries, the people of Israel are being shot at by rockets; the people of Gaza are having bombs dropped on them; our soldiers in Afghanistan (remember that?) are risking their lives--and the Afghan people are living in fear; a drafted Israeli soldier is waiting to be deployed; a poverty stricken world is reeling from a global economic-slowdown; and the genocide in Darfur is still real. 

Let me explain this. Hostess, the 82 year old company went bankrupt  this week. The American icon has been something of a legend for decades. The brand "Twinkies" was the cornerstone of this company, or at least the one with the most lore. The brand has even spawned a derogatory term--which is a indicator of something deeply  ingrained in the American culture, as it was. The brand also makes the famous Wonder Bread--a staple for many people. 

This "loss" for Americans comes after months of repeated rocket attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip. The 95 year old conflict (starting with the Balfour Declaration) has defined the region since the creation of the Israeli state in 1947. The conflict of a largely Jewish state with its Muslim neighbors was the creation of an aggressive Zionist movement, spurred by the horrific pogroms of Eastern Europe and eventually the Holocaust. The need for a Jewish state and the Palestinians already living there, who saw an economic threat, created conflict. Some extremists in the Zionist movement became terrorists--driving out the British/Ottomans as well as many local peoples. This has spread resentment on both sides.

The most recent war in the conflicted area was the invasion of the Gaza Strip in 2008 , started for similar reasons as the current war: the safety of the civilian population in Israel. After rockets have been touching down in Israel for months, the news aggregate/blog The Huffington Post ran a highly cited opinion piece which expresses Israeli frustration at the West's apathy towards rockets aimed at civilian populations. ( To sum up the article (which I suggest you read): other nations would care if they were constantly under attack, so why should Israel not take action for its people? This is a fundamental aspect of the conflict. Here in America, we are fighting our wars tens of thousands of miles away, Afghanistan (and previously Iraq). In Israel, the border is the war-zone. 

Though the Israeli military has yet to invade Gaza, they are using tactical airstrikes and the IDF to taker out Hamas leaders and rockets. Unless a cease-fire is achieved, there will likely be an Israeli invasion of Gaza. This will cause more civilian casualties, no doubt. In that case, no one wins. Peace is where someone wins. Hamas causing casualties among its own people to shame and isolate Israel will only make Israel more reactionary. The current Israeli government is run by hawkish right-wingers. This is never good for a country. Isolating Israel will only make Israel reelect these people. In the end, this war is a step back for the already strained peace process. 

The conflict must end. Only an end to this conflict will ensure stability in the Middle East. How will it be solved? I can't answer that. Only a new generation of Israeli peaceniks will solve this problem. Being an American, I can't answer for Israel. What I think is a good idea is the China model. Set up autonomous regions within a larger state. To ensure civil rights, give 40% of the Knesset (Knesset means assembly in Hebrew) to the Palestinians as a baseline number. Part of the problem is great economic inequity. Giving Palestinians full civil rights would help with inequality. But, I am an American. I do not know the realities on the ground. I am but one person wanting peace, one person wanting justice. I think the demonstrators in Israel over this past decade know this: peace is justice and justice is to be sought after. 

This war effects everyone, but especially the people in Israel and Palestine. Everyone in Israel serves in military (except some religious people) feels the pain of war; everyone in Gaza feels the pain of airstrikes; everyone in Israel can feel the pain of rocket strikes; and everyone in the region can feel the effects of a war close to home. 


Afghanistan is a war-zone. The Taliban is instituting conservative patriarchies that prevent girls from learning to read. The people of Afghanistan feel the terror of constant warfare--warlords ravage the country. Gunfire can be heard practically anywhere in this war-torn country. American soldiers are fighting for their lives in this quagmire, all while "nation-building".  Yet, we live our lives not caring for the true 1%: our soldiers and their (immediate) families. The GI Bill is a start. The 99% can at least a acknowledge that a war is happening, and that one ended. We have yet to have a parade for our soldiers in New York--the symbolic place for such an event. This is a plain and simple outrage. We expected them to fight for a war based on false pretenses, and we don't acknowledge their accomplishments. 

Celebrating Veterans Day is not enough. Caring about the war is a requirement. Even though the majority of Americans support ending the war in Afghanistan, there has yet to be anything other than apathy. If there was a draft we would care. We'd be out in the streets, like we did for the Vietnam War. Even our songs--a form of "slack-'tivism"--has lacked anything to do with the Wars. Other than a few Green Day songs, there is nothing that has reached popularity for protesting either the Iraq or Afghanistan Wars. Us peaceniks have to latch onto faded nostalgia of the 60's and 70's--a time when I was not born. This is only one sign of American apathy. Apathy is unacceptable, period. 

We are at war when our debt is exploding. Our priorities should be at home. Poverty rates have risen in the wake of the Great Recession, and we need to address it. At the same time as poverty rates have risen--the wealthy have become wealthier. Inequality is a structural issue. A true free market would have some stratification, but it would look more like a bell-curve--with the most people in the middle class. Of course that assumes that the nation is economically prosperous, more developed country (MDC), rather than a less developed country (LDC). So, the government ought to provide for more meritocracy. 

The way to introduce more social mobility is to increase the social safety net. The social safety ensures that a person or family has the necessary resources to reach economic stability. The idea behind the social safety net is not communism, but to ensure that any one person has the ability to reach their potential. Great people have come from poverty, such as Carl Sagan, but it is less often than richer people, because poverty is adversity. The government has a moral obligation to the welfare of its people. Economic security ensures the peoples welfare. It is, then, imperative for the government to ensure that security. The only determining factor of your security should be how hard you work. 


That is why, peace is important. Rockets being fired into Israel, airstrikes in Gaza, or any senseless violence is a drain on what is most important: the welfare of people. Every piece of unnecessary defense spending robs food from the mouth of a child. Every war causes a hungry child. Though the conflict is runs deep in the murky waters of mutual mistrust, there must be a solution. If Israel has to concede land (say the Golan Heights), then so be it. There is precedent for this. The transfer of land by Israel in 1979. The point is, that Israel is in the unique position to back up the peace treaty with one of the best equipped military in the world. They have room to make concession, and still be safe. Hamas will not concede. This means the Israelis are in the uncomfortable position of negotiating with terrorists. But, Israel has my support. Israel has the support of the US Government. The need for Israel is strong, and not even the International Community cannot dispute that. There are fewer antisemitic people in this world than respectable people. Israel then has responsibility. I, still, as an American; as someone who as never been anywhere but North America cannot judge. 


The most important ideas that someone should get from this is:

A: There are things happening in the world that are a greater concern than your favorite snack. 

B: We, at the end of the day, can't judge the Isreali's. They are dealing with trauma that most of us cannot think of. I think of the child waiting to get out of a bomb shelter, waiting for school to start again. 
C: Terrorism is NEVER acceptable. No matter the plight of the Palestinian people, if they, and their government, decided to protest peacefully, Israel would, in a heartbeat (possibly less) decide to grant you full, unrestricted rights, the ability to govern yourself, trade, and jobs. The hate and propaganda makes the peace process harder for Israel. Violence is never the answer.
D: Defending yourself is the most desirable option, sometimes. I can't say this without cringing, but living in fear is unacceptable. 
C: Any suffering ANYWHERE is unacceptable. The emphasis remains anywhere. 

Stay safe everyone. May hope liven up these trying times.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Atheism Explanation

First off, atheism is not a dirty word. It is simply the skeptical analysis of various religions, and religious interpretations. One interpretation of the Adam and Eve (Chava) story is that women are inherently evil, the current doctrine of Catholic Christianity. This drives people away. A loving God does not make 51% of the world evil. A (more) acceptable interpretation of the story is that women make progress happen and are responsible for the "birthing" of humanity. I won't talk about it in greater detail. Once the person questions God's motives, or the church's; a person will feel free to question it. Considering that believing in something with faith is not a proof of anything, other than devotion; free inquiry will take place.

Free inquiry is the kind of questioning a 3 year old uses, the incessant "why's" annoy anyone who has "the answers", and trying to answer the child eventually goes to advanced biology or physics, the theological equivalent is a lifetime of studying the nature of God(s). Thus, people who only literally read (or have never read) religious texts cannot give the would be atheist a complete picture of religions nature. But, religion still needs faith, and once it is broken, it is hard to regain. However, an atheist knows that faith need not beget faith. Meaning, blind faith is not worth the oxygen it takes up.

The mind of an atheist is that God is not real (or other versions that trend towards agnosticism) because it cannot be tested, the person is a skeptic. Skepticism, the opposite of faith, is not doubt. Skepticism is healthy. We are all skeptical of something, be it a con man on the street, or the con man on Wall Street, so why is religion any different? Why is religion a infallible entity? Why should religion not be analysed, like everything else. The reason I get, mostly, is that analyzing is akin to "attacking". Why? A string theorist would not feel "attacked" because I say that, as of now, there is no conceivable test for their prediction. Why?--because it is in the marketplace of ideas.

An atheist does not want to say religion is evil, because it is dead by association. That is a logical fallacy. Some atheists would want the world to be closer together, rather than ripped apart by religious conquests. We see bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India; we see killings in the United States, Great Britain, and France; and we see religion inspired killings all over the world. When you see the basis of a religion as bogus, then you must ask questions that make you bitter of the world around you. But, I know that religion can organize for social justice, and prepare the next generation with a sense of community. We know that the bad apples do not spoil the bunch. But, we wish people would question enough so that bad apples could not flourish.

Faith can be a wonderful thing. Cures are mostly medicine, and the will of the patient. The idea of God can help. But, for me, life itself is grand. The great diversity of life, on a blue marble floating through space and time, sends me into awe. The great cosmos, in its grandeur, opens me and I welcome it. Nature itself is powerful, and I dare say spiritual. The atheist, though, knows that the great dopamine release I feel is magical, without the need for magic. This inspires the same thought as any great God(s).

If you can deal with your existence on this lonely speck of dust, in the sea of the cosmos, then you're great. If you feel insecure, about being a mote of dust, on a humdrum planet, in a normal solar system, in a insignificant part of a insignificant galaxy, so big that it would take 26,000 years to reach the center, at the speed of light, so that you force your insecurities on others, then you're not using your religion correctly. I would think it is time to evaluate yourself. This planet needs you, do not waste yourself. The service to God(s) is great if it is a service to humans, all else is strange to an atheist.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Left Wing Hypocrisy (written from the left-wing)

First, the definition of hypocrisy is: "a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not"(Merriam Websters Online Dictionary) . An example would be Larry Craig (I had originally chosen Ted Haggard, but he said something redeeming, then the article got weird). For those of you who don't know who those people are, I'm sorry that you had to learn from a blog. So, what am I accusing Liberals of hypocrisy for? The Chick-Fil-A scandal. What's that Liberal crying out about how I'm being a "knuckle-dragging bigoted right-wing-nut-job neanderthal"? I'l get to explaining in a minute.

Chick-Fil-A is definitely a right-wing corporation; it opposes marriage equality and supports industrial size slaughter of innocent chickens.* It's a company I wouldn't support due to its zero (0) rating from Human Rights Campaign . (*as you can tell, I'm on the vegetarian scale) I've also never eaten their due to location. I don't feel I need to bash Chick-Fil-A further for the Liberal/Libertarian crowd.

So, "what gives" you may ask. Well, the people who say it's free speech, so you should buy Chick-Fil-A regularly as a sign you love the first amendment, are full of excrement (Though, Chicago's, San Francisco's, and Boston's mayors can't actually legislate Chick-Fil-A out of their cities ideologically, because that's not their ideology. I refer you to John Stewert.) However there is one thing we on the left should know. Do any of you go to Whole Foods? "Yes"—everyone who reads this blog. Well, you're in for a surprise. What do you think Whole Foods score is? You guessed it 75/100. "I thought it'd be 100/100"—ignorant Whole Foods shoppers. There's a dichotomy between shoppers and the corporation. Whole Foods shoppers are extremely supportive, the company is not.

From the HRC website: the company does not provide health benefits for same sex couples; does not offer equal health coverage for transgender individuals without exclusion for medically necessary care; and engages in action that would undermine the goal of LGBT equality. These should be deal breakers for the LGBTQA and allied community.

So, I ask you, liberals who are boycotting Chick-Fil-A, will you do the same for Whole Foods?—unless, of course, there are give-and-takes to economic activity to excuse hypocrisy. That is all.

(Keep protesting Chick-Fil-A, though.)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Onion

Breaking News, Seattle: a local man gets back from a trip to Madison, WI. He immediately began telling his friends in Bell-Town that they have the Onion in print, and that the Midwest is the trendiest place to be. When the news broke in the neighborhood it spread to Fremont and the Eastside first. Soon the colossal news spread, like the rain over the landscape. Everyone in Seattle knew this by the first week. When asked for comment the Bell-Town man had this to say:

      “I mean, it was sort of cool to see the Onion in print, but drinking fresh Pabst was better”.

Eventually a mob of hipsters and lonely 40-somethings had gathered around Mayor M. (as he described himself to the hipsters) house. They began chanting:

“What do we want? More Pabst! When do we want it?—When the Onion comes!”

We reached Mayor M.'s for comment he said:

“We’ve got the Stranger, go find an escort if you’re so bored. Better yet why not search the ad’s for a loose medical cannabis dispensary: that’ll keep you occupied—while we pepper spray occupiers.”

The mob soon dispersed when Seattle drivers almost plowed into the crowd because they didn’t have their head-lights on at dusk. We reached the initial driver, with our Senior Mutilated Reporter (given the new title that evening), he had this to say:

“No one blinked their lights at me: how was I supposed to know to put my lights on.”

One Eastside women who was at the scene had this to say (alone in her car with her husband):

“Hahaha I told you it was the right thing to do”—she then proceeded to eat brown rice cakes she got at Trader Joes. The original hipster was present at the scene, but could not be reached for comment because he was drinking generic corporate products which definitely do not make him trendy.

Mayor M. was later reached for comment on the incident, he had this to say:

“I never should have created the tunnel—hey is this on tape?”

A pragmatic progressive had this to say after Mayor M.'s comments:

“Well, I guess he gets my vote, I mean, as long as ‘Goldy’ shuts up”.

Dan Savage, Senior editor at the Stranger had this to say to the protestors:

“If Seattle really wants to be like the Midwest then they should learn how to shovel snow.”

Every New Yorker had this to say after Dan Savages remarks:

“The plows are better in New York —”.

Soon the mob spread in message to mindless bull shit and communist slogans before deciding it was trendier not to do anything about anything—leaving mindless hippies to stay there for 8 months before retreating to SCCC. Eventually ironic Eastside, amateur philosophers, decided to make signs saying: I am the Stranger. L.A. then made fun of Seattle, re-establishing their smug little bull shit lives, while then failing to function when two drops of rain fell.

The bring-the-Onion movement spread to Issaquah, where teenagers decided they were satirists instead of poor rappers. Eventually everyone went home to overcast skies and contemplated hanging themselves while simultaneously building more roads so they can drive their sad lives away. This all happened while life was normal in the Central District with every poor minority having this to say:

“I wish all these hipsters would stop fucking with the city, their all just trust-fund bastards anyways.”

In other news, the Oatmeal moves to Thailand, thus leaving the city behind—with these last words:

“Portland, go drown in the river Styx.”—The Oatmeal referring to the sadder lives of the other Vancouver.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Skepticism (part 1)

Being independently minded is not finding the center of argumentation. The center is not always the truth. The truth comes from being skeptical of authority. The truth comes from thought, not a calculation.
For example, many people in America, and around the world for that matter, define themselves as moderate because they believe the truth comes from the center of an argument. Which basically means the outlier who screams louder brings the average closer to the truth. If a person is exposed to only one type of outlier then they'll calculate to that direction. For example in the case of the autism "controversy" a small minority of people are screaming outlandish allegations towards medical advances of vaccines, while a moderate majority-of-scientists believe that autism is formed by other factors, such as genes. The common argument is that when the rise in vaccines happened a similar rise in autism diagnosis happened. Here's a common graph (found on google images):

Now, one problem is the reasoning. It is not proving anything. Now someone will say "look it rises", but it is simply a correlation. It is a logical fallacy called Post Hawk, Ergo Prompter Hawk (meaning it happened after and therefore caused it). You may now it as Correlation Does Not Equal Causation. I think I can show this better in one graph then explaining it (I'll do that later):
Look, pirates cause global warming. It's obviously an direct relationship. How can they cause global warming-- are they more prone to fart than other humans, causing more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere? Most likely not. Therefore with testing we have proven that pirates do not cause global warming (the rise in CO2 is different because it has scientific evidence backing it up). But, do you see how plotting a line on a graph might make a correlation, might even suggest a causation depending on previous evidence, like pirates fart more, but does not prove a causation?
So, if you hear two sides and calculate the middle, you'd be wrong . Many more logical fallacies are present but none as prevalent as Argumentum Ad Homenim. Ad Homenim is either an appeal to an authority, or calling someone names, to make a case. For example, people who spell a name with two "w's"are bad people; therefore, we are correct about pirates causing global warming. What can a person prove in this, that pirates cause global warming, with evidence, but not that people who spell their names with two "w's" are wrong, unless they prove that their collective position is wrong.
Another example is, that man/women is in charge of the EPA he must know about environmental issues; therefore she must be infallible about environmental issues. Wrong again. The head can, and probably will be, right about environmental issues, but humans make mistakes. We'd have to test his hypothesis about say, pirates cause global warming. But, since this is not true we must know him or her to be false.
This is also to say that if you hear two sides and calculate the middle, you'd be wrong.
If we can't calculate the middle then what can we do as citizens with limited knowledge in certain areas to judge those areas? We'd have to look at the data(um), the reasoning behind it, and whether or not they did it correctly. This is easy enough to tell with a firm grasp of skeptical reasoning. How can we do this? First go to to gain knowledge of the various logical fallacies. Then move on to harder stuff like analyzing arguments. So whenever you hear a balanced" pundit round table talking about something don't believe the middle; instead, dissect the arguments.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Rick Santorum Speech Notes.

This is the notes I took on Santorums speech in the suburbs of Detroit today. I used a deragotory name for Mr. Santorum as a time saver and I do not wish to change it. So if you don't like the alternate meaning just read the substance (I used Frothy).
All of my comments are in parenthies signed Blogger.
Gas prices are going up due to involvment of the middle east, and it's instability. It's going to get worse in a Al. They'll shut down production (Al) and Mexico will import oil. Peak oil.

*This is what it sounded like to me and it saved time.

Oppose Obama. (me think he think we stupid.)* Higher gas prices for global warming (Obama says). Standard of living goes down when energy

goes down.

Drill Baby Drill Rock oil in ND (ligh sweet crude) highest quality (true). Pipeline needs to be built so it gets to market. We need the KP for *midwest jobs* (infered)

Lean forward for energy (president needs). Reduce regulation. Obama more regualtion than any other P in 1year. Frothy will repeal/repeal and replace. States regulate as do the Am. People. Americans don't like to be micromanaged. Uncertianty harms business and regulations cause this harm. Stimulate small business will mean smaller regulations. We need manufacturing, and we can compete. The american worker/ Stem is better. we need a level playing field--we need lower taxes, regulations smaller, and more capital. We don't need to cut labor costs (Frothy). Stop being uncompetitive (gov. polices).

Manufacturing is a wealth generator. Everyone can participate (populism). Ex. Apple (HT) should manufacture their products here (MF). Manufacturing should not be subjected to any taxes.

Talked about the creation of small towns. Manufacturing processing. Small Town America goes down because of Manufacturing (MF) death. Lamenting the death of the small town. Natnl. Security needs small towns (Lost track when he digressed) (Warrant--probably missed it). Highest corprate tax rate must be reduced 1/2 to 17% flat tax. Rate: Small=Large.

Repeal Affordable Care Act (Obama Care, applause). The lowest should and must rise. The Fed' must scale down. Government gives you the right--god given rights. (endowed by their creator). OB Care tramples on rights in HC.

OB Care is gov. run. Gov. can't tell you what to spend (ex.) this is the gov. with HIC. Mass. Gov run (lines) as bad. First Amend. gov. gives then how to exercise it. 1Amend. is being corrouded.

More repealing: one thing. Housing for ex., foreclosure is high, (his house value is much lower) TARP must go. It's too regulatory. We must restructure housing. Sell house, deduct loss. No winners no losers, just markets. Freddie and Fanny are not intrinsically bad, but politics is. BF CD pushed them into it. Faze them out.

Get rid of Dodd Frank. Talked about TARP. Steal went down in Pittsburg, but we bounced back. Shopping malls are HT. Pittsburg is diversified because the market worked. Bailout everyone or no one., Swipe at Romney’s consistency.

Dodd Frank is successor to TARP “too big to fail” (Scratching my head--Blogger). We want bottom up rather than top down gov. We want a balanced budget. I was for it in 1995. Loony about ballenced budget amendment. Frothy a rebel? Principled, limited gov.. I will argue for a balanced budget amendment. Gov. needs to be limited to 17/18% because freedom. We still need military. Wash. Estab. with buying votes.

I'm a catholic and we must care for the least among us (?) gov shouldn't (WTF--Blogger). I pay taxes so I shouldn't give, so we need to end the programs. (Sure localization, sure--Blogger) Welfare reform, I did it; it's an ex. . Work and time. Poverty is not a disability. They can do it--not American to say not. Thou must help themselves. The american family=economy. We've seen the breakdown of the Am Fam'. It's harder for the Am. Fam. to do jobs for two. Teen pregnacy--ralied against singal moms. 40% out of wedlock. Minorities and urban 80% (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF--Blogger). We need to have gov. programs to not create dependency. We don't need gov. to make families strong. High rates of divorce in Tn. Non-profit to promote marriage in schools. Get fathers back. Build healthier families. Limited gov. starts with the family. You are the solution. Solve with the family. (This is killing me--Blogger) I care about the very poor, I care about everyone. We are the 100%. (Checks Time--Blogger) Fluff, Fluff, and more Fluff. (IT'S OVER!!!--Blogger)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hydroponics System

Today is another continuation in a series of posts about the most important agricultural system invented since the green revolution. The so called blue revolution as it's called incorporates organic and siolless techniques mixed with changing diets and consumption patterns. Many of these changes require work for the average consumer. However it is imperative for this shift to occur. Many people are part of this "revolution" in the growing urban farming movements and the general interests in all things "green".
One such technology that you can easily incorporate into your lives is simple hydroponics. Simple hydroponics usually is comprised of passive technologies. This can be as simple as a cup filled with medium (perlite, coconut hull, gravel etc.) and another cup to mix nutrients. Or it can be as complicated as making your own nutrients with worm castings. I personally recommend, with my 2 years of mistakes, using a grow tray (rectangular trench a few inches deep, rectangular pie pan or plastic ones found in a hydroponic shop) set up. More on this later.
This was not my first system ( in fact it was recently built) so if you want to go a different route here are the ones I have tried. My first system was a hydrofarm, my second a deep water culture tub (homemade), I built another one a few months later, then I built some simple seed starters made out of clay pots and hydroton/perlite medium. I soon after built my latest system which I will describe how to build now.

Materials: 2L bottle, medium, and grow tray. Nothing more is needed. 2L bottle can be recycled when you buy juice etc., medium can be bought at a garden store, hydroponic store etc. and a grow tray can be a used pie pan or a plastic grow tray bought at a hydroponic store for $2.
  1. Gather materials
  2. Fill grow tray with bottom medium, make sure to spread it out first. Make sure this medium is absorbent, I used pumice found at my local supermarket. This ensured oxygen was readily available and water was kept
  3. Fill 2L bottle
  4. Carefully place 2L bottle inside medium at a non-invasive location so that it reaches the bottom
  5. Once certain that water is no longer flowing through the bottle place hydroton (brand name--it's just clay pebbles in a firing process) on top of the of the bottom medium so that it covers it
  6. If not already done place in a ideal location ( near the sun)
  7. Plant, enjoy, repeat
Remember to fill the bottle once it runs out of water and do nutrients to the requirements of the plants listed on your nutrients or by looking at the plants.

Now if you want to build a deep water culture system you need only a rubbermaid tub, an aquarium airstone (what produces the bubbles in an aquarium) and medium.
Materials, rubbermaid tub, I used a 18 gallon one; knife; net cup (yogurt cup with holes); airstone; air pump; vinyl tubing; medium.
  1. Gather Materials
  2. Outline the smaller side of the net cup with a sharpie
  3. Use the knife to make small incisions in the plastic top
  4. Slowly and carefully use the knife to go across the surface of the circle
  5. Make the cut so that it's close to round
  6. Insert the net cup to make sure it's done correctly (it should fit right in)
  7. Hook up your airstone with your air pump with vinyl tubing
  8. Put airstone in the middle of the tub
  9. Fill the net cup with medium that wicks
  10. Fill the tub with water
  11. Place net cups in the hole
  12. Plant, enjoy, repeat
More posts to continue on the subject.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Importance of Open Internet Discussion

As a member of the, and I personally feel that a free and open internet is imperative to the 21st century and beyond, because of the positive impacts of it.
One such example is the BYAP forums ( They are recognized as the first such aquaponic forum to really take off (there were some others, but not much. The founding admin of BYAP started in the Barrelponnics yahoo group). To this day they are the largest aquaponic forum, far above all the others. They are responsible for taking aquaponics to the next level, critical mass. This is important because aquaponics is a tool of agriculture that uses 2-10% of the water of normal agriculture (a boon in arid nations such as Australia). Aquaponics has also been studied at North Carolina University and others to be just as productive as hydroponics (though research is thin). And as a result of this forum has led to boom in aquaponics technology. Since no one owns the technique people are sharing this technology with people in South Africa, and other countries.
Another example is the urban farming guys. If you're unfamiliar with them they are a group of families from the suburbs who moved to inner city Kansas City to build farms on abandon plots and improve the neighborhood as a whole. ( They also have found ways to improve conditions in a orphanage in India using what they have learned about intensive fish farming and plant cultivation (aquaponics). Furthermore they have a forum in which people can learn of this technology; to exploit it for social good in their country or city.

If the internet was not free the ubiquitous amount of free available technology would not exist. So, if aquaponics was "born" on the internet the proliferation would be minimal, thus rendering this great technology unable to help. In general gardening practices such as, permaculture , square foot gardening, and other techniques might not proliferate. This leaves third world peoples with food prices higher than they are able to buy.
If you have an example of a important idea, technology, etc. that needs to be recognized leave a comment.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Marriage Equality

In case you haven't heard Washington State is now the newest member of the Legislators for Marriage Club. Other than the obvious cheer for equality, we must now look at the results.

First the economic effects.

1. More people getting married means more money in the marriage industry. Since the LGBT community is just as likely to get married or have an interest in marriage, since they are humans living in a society which values it. A sharp boost to the industry will happen, because of the high population of LGBT couples who have been awaiting a chance to get married. Since they have been waiting for it to happen we can assume that it would be important, and therefore for most people "money-related". Because of this money, the marriage industry will improve the surrounding economies.

2. Married LGBT couples will pay less taxes, have shared benefits (in many cases), and, as a result, will have more money to spend. This is because the tax benefits given to married couples are significant, thus resulting in the newly married LGBT having more money. Therefore they can spend this money on things like Cupcake Royale's Death Cake (I was certain I would mention them at some point). Also the newly married couples can get benefits from their employer, if their workplace provides it. This also means money for them to spend, hopefully not entirely on Death Cakes.

Now for the effects on marriage:

Gay people will get married.

Now for the effects on the family:

Children adopted will be in a family more free of money issues and stress, resulting in happier children. They may already have two loving parents, and now they will be married.

Now for the effects on morality:

Nothing, however it would most likely be positive.

Now for the effects on bigots:

They may fear the unknown, but may eventually see that their gay neighbors are happy and not destroying the family or marriage. I say LGBT couples will not destroy marraige because we can assume there is nothing intrinsically evil about them, if there is then please bring this to my attention. Now, based on this assumption we can assume that some couples will cheat, divorce, be abusive, and such; however this happens in "straight" marriages as well, much to the determent of the people in the immediate family. So if I may quote To Kill a Mocking Bird for a second I will show this principle in another case.

“…the evil assumption – that allNegroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber.
Which, gentlemen, we know is in itself a lie as black as Tom Robinson's skin, a lie I do not have to point out to you. You know the truth, and the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men are not to be trusted around women – black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men. There is not a person in this courtroom who has never told a lie, who has never done an immoral thing, and there is no man living who has never looked upon a woman without desire” (Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird). I hope this is enough to compel you to the side of love.

So in conclusion we can see great results for the State of Washington, let's take this national.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Aquaponic Carrots.

At Bigelow Brook Farm they are growing aquaponic carrots for personal consumption. But, what makes this story significant is that they grew carrots at all. By growing carrots they are dispelling the myth that aquaponics can't grow root crops. Watch the video with the link to their blog
Since aquaponics can produce more vegetables, in less space, with less water than traditional gardening, it is an obvious choice for food production. And since it doesn't require soil it can fill the need for organic produce so that it does not harm the environment. (And)Not only will this fill a niche, and beyond, but it will provide jobs in depressed areas.
(And)This will increase equality. This is not only because it could serve local areas, such as Detroit, but also reduce dependence on large agricultural companies--which harms local farmers and enslaves them in a cycle of poverty.
It is important to educate people about aquaponics. Thank you Bigelow Brook Farm for showing us more about aquaponics.