Friday, October 28, 2011

The True Value of People

In America there is hate. You may be desensitized to it or possibly you could be a victim. More likely you are a listener—to a hate that is pervasive to all American life. A typical High-School Student will likely listen to hate every day, whether they are the subject, the bystander, or the perpetrator. Words such as slut, faggot, fag, bitch, illegal, and other words can be seen throughout a day. Some ask why, some are radicalized by such words and others couldn't care less.

When some ask why the youth of America are vicious to fellow human beings one must ask how much you value a person.

Everyday in the world a person at a benign setting will blame immigrants, Jews, Muslims, and any combination stated or not for the world’s problems—earshot from children. A person can either stand for justice or watch bigotry invade the lives of all. A phobia of others drives reasonable to false conclusions of people.

Are we not all humans? Yes someone may have crossed the border to live in a country they didn't consent. But, suggestions like "shoot them" cannot exist in a group.

Illegal immigrants are people. What is the value of a person? If your answer is uncertain then you've been distracted.

A person is a person—no more no less. To the answer of "they take jobs from Americans": respond with kindness for a person has a job. We are all humans—a job is a tool for humanity to prosper. Yes, it hurts to be left out, but the majority of jobs that shunned peoples take are disparaging and exploitative. Immigrants are economic refugees forced from their homeland, illegal or not people deserve sympathy for their sufferings.

Many illegal immigrants are afraid to interact with the gated community that is America; the only jobs readily available are working in the hot sun. Imagine a sunny day, you run along a park, are you tired afterwards? Try bending, running, and working before the sun rises till after the sun sets. This is agricultural work on a mass scale, and 70% of people who do this work are illegal immigrants (nationally). This proves that, like the characters in many Steinbeck Novels, we leave work too horrible to the poor to people we protest their existence.

We are a nation founded on the general welfare that, apparently, undermines basic human rights.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." (Martin Luther King) If you believe some people do not deserve to move when their situation compels it, then you've taken that right from everyone. Unless of course you believe that some people are more valuable than others. I hope love guides you to a better conclusion.

I submit the following policy changes:

nullify quotas for regions;

allow all immigrants under 18 a path to citizenship;

and a federal program to offer workers a path to citizenship.

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