Monday, January 2, 2012

Aquaponic Carrots.

At Bigelow Brook Farm they are growing aquaponic carrots for personal consumption. But, what makes this story significant is that they grew carrots at all. By growing carrots they are dispelling the myth that aquaponics can't grow root crops. Watch the video with the link to their blog
Since aquaponics can produce more vegetables, in less space, with less water than traditional gardening, it is an obvious choice for food production. And since it doesn't require soil it can fill the need for organic produce so that it does not harm the environment. (And)Not only will this fill a niche, and beyond, but it will provide jobs in depressed areas.
(And)This will increase equality. This is not only because it could serve local areas, such as Detroit, but also reduce dependence on large agricultural companies--which harms local farmers and enslaves them in a cycle of poverty.
It is important to educate people about aquaponics. Thank you Bigelow Brook Farm for showing us more about aquaponics.